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Entropy Resonator

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Entropy Resonator.png

Entropy Resonator is one of the Machines in Sixty Four.

Entropy Resonator is a structure that automatically destroys Stones next to it.

Entropy Resonator is unlocked when player discovers Qanetite.pngQanetite.

Entropy Resonator Function[edit | edit source]

Entropy Resonator is a machine that uses 1 Qanetite.pngQanetite to destroy Stones immediately next to it.

Entropy Resonator will get 1000 hits after each reload. It has a cooldown of 1 second between hits. It can hit multiple cubes at once during the same tick, but each of these counts as a separate "hit" and thus increases the rate at which it will need to be reloaded. It hits with a power of 0.33, which is slightly less than 1/3 the player's click strength of 1.

Entropy Resonator is the only machine in the game that destroys blocks next to it. Therefore, there are multiple upgrades for this machine throughout the game.

Entropy Resonator as all resonators hit all the blocks around it every tick. Using several resonators on overlapping blocks is perfectly ok and will speed up the process.

Entropy Resonator Construction Costs[edit | edit source]

As all Machines, Entropy Resonator gets more expensive every time its constructed.

You can use the following table to calculate the cost of the Entropy Resonator multiplying Base costs by the Building Multiplier.

Entropy Resonator Build Cost Multiplier: 1.1

Entropy Resonator Base Construction Costs
Stones Costs
Charonite.pngCharonite 2,048
Elmerine.pngElmerine 64
Qanetite.pngQanetite 1

Entropy Resonator Additional Information[edit | edit source]

Entropy Resonator is very slow and inefficient. Later in game the upgraded version Entropy Resonator II.pngEntropy Resonator II destroys Stones faster, but even then, it is advised to use these machines as much as possible for faster results.

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