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Beta-Pylene Oxidizer

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Beta-Pylene Oxidizer.png

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer is one of the Machines in Sixty Four.

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer is the production Machine that burns Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene to produce Charonite.pngCharonite and trace amounts of other elements.

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer is being unlocked when you acquire your first Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Function[edit | edit source]

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer's main function is to produce Charonite.pngCharonite.

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Inputs[edit | edit source]

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Inputs
Stones Amount
Elmerine.pngElmerine 64
Qanetite.pngQanetite 16
Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene 8,192
Production Cycle Base Time 150s

Its possible to use Catalytic Preheater.pngCatalytic Preheater to speed up the production time.

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Outputs[edit | edit source]

When the production cycle ends Beta-Pylene Oxidizer automatically outputs following resources:

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Stones output
Stones Amount
Charonite.pngCharonite 16,384
Elmerine.pngElmerine 16
Qanetite.pngQanetite 8

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Construction Costs[edit | edit source]

As all Machines, Beta-Pylene Oxidizer gets more expensive every time its constructed.

You can use the following table to calculate the cost of the Beta-Pylene Oxidizer multiplying Base costs by the Building Multiplier.

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Build Cost Multiplier: 1.1

Beta-Pylene Oxidizer Base Construction Costs
Stones Costs
Charonite.pngCharonite 128
Elmerine.pngElmerine 128
Qanetite.pngQanetite 128
Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene 4,096
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