Official Sixty Four Wiki
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Catalytic Preheater

From Official Sixty Four Wiki
Catalytic Preheater.png

Catalytic Preheater is one of the Machines in Sixty Four.

Catalytic Preheater is the production Machine that Supports other Converters by increasing their conversion speed.

Each converter machine placed next to Catalytic Preheater increases the boost, starting at +50% with no adjacent converters and increasing linearly up to +300% if 8 converter machines are affected.

Catalytic Preheater is unlocked when you acquire your first Celestial Foam.pngCelestial Foam.

Catalytic Preheater Function[edit | edit source]

Catalytic Preheater's main function is to boost Converters conversion speed.

Catalytic Preheater do not need Converters to be active in order to get the boost, so it's possible to surround it with any cheap converters in order to boost something specific. Charonite Sump.pngCharonite Sumps are nice because they are short.

It is also worth noting that multiple Catalytic Preheaters can boost a single converter, although this runs into diminishing returns since they then run out of room to be boosted by converters, in turn.

Catalytic Preheater Inputs[edit | edit source]

Catalytic Preheater Inputs
Stones Amount
Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene 65,536
Chromalit.pngChromalit 512
Converter Machines Cycles per load 64

Catalytic Preheater Construction Costs[edit | edit source]

As all Machines, Catalytic Preheater gets more expensive every time its constructed.

You can use the following table to calculate the cost of the Catalytic Preheater multiplying Base costs by the Building Multiplier.

Catalytic Preheater Build Cost Multiplier: 1.1

Catalytic Preheater Base Construction Costs
Stones Costs
Charonite.pngCharonite 524,288
Elmerine.pngElmerine 16,384
Qanetite.pngQanetite 32,768
Beta-Pylene.pngBeta-Pylene 524,288
Hell Gem.pngHell Gem 256
Chromalit.pngChromalit 2,048
Celestial Foam.pngCelestial Foam 32,768

Catalytic Preheater Additional information[edit | edit source]

Multiple Catalytic Preheater cannot be placed close to each other.

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