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Glyphs are collectibles found in The Abyss in Sixty Four.

Glyphs replace Machines while in The Abyss, hovering them grants Reality.pngReality.

Glyphs take 100 seconds to regenerate after being collected (1 minutes and 40 seconds).

Additional Info[edit | edit source]

The amount of Reality.pngReality you get is dependent on the size of the Glyph (the bigger the Glyph, the more Reality.pngReality you get).

Conductors do not give Reality.pngReality.

Reality Per Glyph
Glyph Size Reality
Small 1
Hollow Flower.pngHollow Flower Glyph 32
Hollow Fruit.pngHollow Fruit Glyph 128
Containment Silo.pngContainment Silo Glyph About 1k

Hollow Flower.pngHollow Flower and Hollow Fruit.pngHollow Fruit Glyph's grant the most Reality.pngReality Before unlocking Containment Silo.pngContainment Silo.

Additional Information[edit | edit source]

The following audio plays when a glyph is collected manually from The Abyss:

Gradient Well.pngGradient Well automatically collects Glyph.pngGlyph.

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