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Hollow Stone

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Hollow Stone
Hollow Stone.png
Mining Depth -
Unlock Requirement Hollow Rock Research Site.pngHollow Rock Research Site

Hollow Stone is one of the Stones in Sixty Four.

Hollow Stone is unlocked when Hollow Rock Research Site.pngHollow Rock Research Site is constructed.

Hollow Stone spawns and can be mined next to a Hollow Rock.pngHollow Rock when a Hollow Stone Jumpscare occurs.

Hollow Stone Sources[edit | edit source]

Hollow Stone have to mined manually next to the Hollow Rock.pngHollow Rock. First one will take a lot of clicking, but afterwards it will only take 4 clicks in order to mine it.

Here is a list that contain Hollow Stone

Hollow Stone Uses[edit | edit source]

Hollow Stone is widely used in Sixty Four. It is a part of many Machines recipes and production chains.

You can construct Hollow Flower.pngHollow Flower which can be upgraded to Hollow Fruit.pngHollow Fruit only on existing Stones

Hollow Stone Additional information[edit | edit source]

The following audio plays when a Hollow Stone is being broken:

Hollow Stones lying around the Hollow Rock.pngHollow Rock causes Time Warps.

By default the maximum amount of Hollow Stone lying on the ground is 8. It can be doubled with Hollow Rock Facility.pngHollow Rock Facility to 16.

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