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Excavating Channel

From Official Sixty Four Wiki


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Extracting Channel II.png

Excavating Channel is one of the Machines in Sixty Four.

Excavating Channel is the Excavating Machine that creates Blocks around it. Each block consists of 64 Stones

Excavating Channel is being unlocked when you acquire your first Hell Gem.pngHell Gem

Excavating Channel Function[edit | edit source]

Excavating Channel's main function is to excavate blocks around itself.

Excavating Channel excavates blocks in 2 adjacent tiles (5x5 area) if they do not have anything placed on them.

As Excavating Channel excavate blocks it increases its excavation depth. At specific depths it starts to add new stones to the Block. Over time it will excavate more of a new type of stones and less of the previous types of stones and eventually lower tier stones wont be excavated anymore.

Excavating Channel increases depth faster than Extracting Channel.pngExtracting Channel

In order for Excavating Channel to work it have to be manually activated, which can be automated later on using Auxiliary Pump.pngAuxiliary Pump and higher tier pumps.

Excavating Channel Construction Costs[edit | edit source]

As all Machines, Excavating Channel gets more expensive every time its constructed.

Excavating Channel is an upgrade of Extracting Channel.pngExtracting Channel so it requires the original machine to be constructed.

You can use the following table to calculate the cost of the Excavating Channel multiplying Base costs by the Building Multiplier.

Excavating Channel Build Cost Multiplier: 1.65

Excavating Channel Base Construction Costs
Stones Costs
Charonite.pngCharonite 65,536
Hell Gem.pngHell Gem 128

Excavating Channel Additional Information[edit | edit source]

Like Extracting Channel.pngExtracting Channel, Excavating Channel plays the same audio:

Since Excavating Channel is getting depth faster you can salvage it and build it again to get to specific stones depth that you would like to focus on.

A single Extracting Channel of any tier should be present in the game at all times. You cant sell last extracting channel.

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